It must have at least 12 characters between which you must include a number, a lower-case letter, a capital letter, and a symbol.

ALSA supports sports activities, for which we can offer our technical means (transport athletes) and economical means (sponsorship) to support these type of events.
Safety and accident prevention is a priority for our group, which is why awareness in schools is vital for the prevention and education of the youngest on road safety.

Partnership between ALSA and UN WOMEN (The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women): promoting women's safety in public transport at the edge of our buses. This partnership includes awareness-raising activities for bus drivers to violence against women and girls as part of their initial and ongoing training, as well as communication actions on this phenomenon among users and bus users.

Partnership with the School Transport Association: the partnership includes the donation of an old bus to the School Transport Association of Douirate, intended to move the girls of Douirate and Bouhafra in particular to middle and high school located within the Bouzerwal commune in the ZAGORA region about ten kilometers away. We want to make a commitment to promote the education of young people by addressing this type of means as much as possible.